Hey i'm Michael Ollerton, and this is my blog for my game art studies. I'm not totally sure what will be on this blog, so this might be the only post of this nature on here or it could be the first of many. i'm a first year Game art design student, and i've been in Leicester for just over two weeks, and i'm loving it so far, i guess most of the people reading this will be on my course... so here's a little bit about me :)

For a very long time i've wanted to work in the games industry, when i was a lot younger I was blown away by the game Jak and Daxter and googled the company who made it: Naughty Dog (creators of Uncharted and The lat of us.) I think this was the first time i was exposed to the idea of having a job making video games and that was pretty much when i decided "I want to do that!" so i always consider Jak and Daxter to be my gateway into that.

I guess my main hobby is drawing, i love pretty much all art styles (i think mine changes a lot though), Of course digital art and concept design are among my favourites, and at the moment character design is of huge interest to me, but i'm going to make sure i become an expert in as many areas as i can, 3D modelling has been so much fun but also really difficult, i have never used it before and it's very alien to me. I'm slowly getting the hang it though. 

(here's a dalek from our first weeks modelling class)

Another thing i'd mention is I love filming and taking photos, and i try to get out as much as i can to try and capture something, and from what i've learned about gathering our own reference images and textures, I think it might come in handy. Here's a few examples of this... 

I think thats about it for me :) I can't wait to really get into this course and fully meet everybody, everyones already been really awesome, going to partys where everyone wants to talk about video games is something i could get used to! 

Thanks for reading