this week I began by taking another stab and the drummer, first things first, I hated the top part of the clothing, and so had to re sculpt some new stuff pretty quickly. I got some ref of the style of clothing i wanted and drew it out in marvelous designer, and them simulated it to my character. I then imported those base meshes into Zbrush and had about a day just working on bring it up to the standard of the rest of the character.

Moving into substance I re-textured, pretty much everything. Again trying to apply what I learnt when texturing the guitar I did a new pass. I made the denim jeans on this character by following Del walker Vertex Magazine tutorial on how to make jeans. It's a little bit date because its not for PBR but its still applies really well.

Because I made new clothes this meant that I have to re rig the drummer again :( Not much to say on that front aside from that I did it, and I went okay :) This time i was able to rig in max because i now knew how the easily add extra bones and correctly parent them.