I spent this week trying to set up the scene for my characters. The first thing that I had to do was model the drum kit for the drummer. For the drum kit I wanted it to be a mash of a bunch of drum kits, so that it looks like it was salvage from multiple time periods. I also wanted to add extra equipment to make it look like she has many roles in the band, and her drum kit reflects that. I wanted to base some of this after the set up that the musician 'Grimes' has.

This was the first pass.

at this point I received some crit form my tutor Craig that it just wasn't scifi enough to fit the rest of the world. I started thinking about this because I wanted to mix electric and acoustic drum kits. but I didn't have anything from the characters semi futuristic time period. I decided floating drum pads would read as something totally futuristic, but are still grounded by being used along with the main part of the drum kit.

I still felt something was missing in terms of the scifi element of the drum kit design. I had the idea that parts of the drum kit would be holographic, which I think really helps sell the design as a mix of old, current and future designs for the drum kit.

Now that everything has been finished in terms of essential assets, I then moved onto the environment, I didn't want it to be too extensive just enough to stop it looking like a bunch of floating characters.

I started by quickly making some Persian rugs. I did this very quickly in Marvellous designer, the threw that mesh into Zbrush, gave it some thickness and sculpted in the details. I then retopo'd and unwrapped it, and put a persian rug image texture over it, which did the trick for a very quick rug.
I then added the a wood floor texture to a plane, and aplha'd away some of the wood panels. I finally stuck a few amps in the scene and made wires for everyone's equipment.

This is the final scene so far. I was trying to play about with the lighting and colours. kinda want to recreate the lots of colourful lighting you see at a gig, but I'm not sure if its too much.